Cela faisait un bout de temps que je souhaitais aller admirer la collection ( en partie provenant de particuliers ! ) du joallier Bulgari présentée au Grand Palais depuis la mi-décembre . Bravant l'appel de la grâce matinée du Dimanche matin et l'envie irrépressible de fuir devant la foule de curieux ( pas trop étendue cependant ) patientant gentiment pour obtenir le droit de franchir la porte d'entrée , j'ai enfin vu mon voeu se réaliser ( Résolution de l'année : ne plus dire souhaiter faire MAIS faire ... bon ça j'y reviendrai un peu plus tard ! ) . Après maintes hésitations ( on attend ou on s'en va ) , suite aux rumeurs selon lesquelles le billet acheté ne donnerait droit d'accès qu'aux alentours de 17 h ( et puis quoi encore !! ) l'exposition étant victime de son accès et la surface du musée non étirable à volonté ... , et malgré le conseil de renoncer à la visite , nous avons décidé de rester (depuis quand écoute-t-on à Paris ?! ) et avons été récompensés !! Avec son sol revêtu d'un manteau gris foncé , absorbant le moindre bruit de pas , l'enceinte du Grand Palais rend parfaitement hommage à la somptuosité des joyaux présentés en les exposant dans des salles dont l'apparence extérieure , un écrin gris anthracite aux reflets miroitants , ressemble à un cristal de roche . Tout ce que vous avez pu apercevoir de plus beau en matière d'acessoires d'apparat (royauté , cinéma , mode ... ) y est représenté , ainsi la collection privée d'Elizabeth Taylor , les propriétés de stars féminines du cinéma italien , époque de la Dolce Vita ou encore la considération de Mr Andy Warhol pour cette maison de luxe . Absoluement magnifique , l'opulence de ces oeuvres d'art a quelque chose d' irréel presqu'envoûtant , vous obligeant malgré le flot de gens amassé devant les vitrines , à rester planté devant , les scrutant sous tous les angles afin d' être sûr que ce n'est pas une vision de votre esprit mais bien la réalité . Quel dommage que les photos soient interdites et malgré mes efforts pour contourner l' interdiction , la présence de vigiles qui rôdaient dans les salles m'a dissuadé de toute tentavive , si ce n'est une au résultat peu probant !
Un vrai émerveillement .
I wanted to go & visit the Bulgari jeweller's exhibition ( mainly made up of private collections ) which takes place in the magnificent Grand Palais since the middle of December . Defying the Sunday lazy morning calling & the irrepressible desire to run away from the massive line of curious ( not so numerous for a queue in Paris ) nicely waiting in front of the doors in order to get their ticket to access , I actually had my wish came true . After many hesitations ( do we stay & wait or do we live ?! ) following the fact some people who were waiting had been told they could only visit at 5 pm not before ( no way !! ) , even if they bought the tickets in the matinee , due to the success of the exhibiton , and despite of a piece of advice to give up , we decided to stay ( as you may know parisians never listen to anybody ! They just do what they want ;) ) . We have been rewarded !! With a dark grey carpet on the floor and a set worthy of the sumptuousness of the jewels ( a kind of shimming reflections anthracite grey case ) , the presentation pays homage to the luxury brand . Anything of the most beautiful ceremonial accessories you've seen before in fashion , cinema , kingdoms ... is there present : from Elisabeth Taylor ' private collection , goods belonging to italian actresses of the 60's to the Andy Warhol's love for the brand . Just sublim , the opulence of those works of art nearly bewitching makes you standing , gazing at them to be sure they're real & not an illusion . What's a pity pictures are not allowed , despite of my efforts to get around I've been dissuaded from doing anything because of guards' presence except one not really successful !
A real wonder !
I wanted to go & visit the Bulgari jeweller's exhibition ( mainly made up of private collections ) which takes place in the magnificent Grand Palais since the middle of December . Defying the Sunday lazy morning calling & the irrepressible desire to run away from the massive line of curious ( not so numerous for a queue in Paris ) nicely waiting in front of the doors in order to get their ticket to access , I actually had my wish came true . After many hesitations ( do we stay & wait or do we live ?! ) following the fact some people who were waiting had been told they could only visit at 5 pm not before ( no way !! ) , even if they bought the tickets in the matinee , due to the success of the exhibiton , and despite of a piece of advice to give up , we decided to stay ( as you may know parisians never listen to anybody ! They just do what they want ;) ) . We have been rewarded !! With a dark grey carpet on the floor and a set worthy of the sumptuousness of the jewels ( a kind of shimming reflections anthracite grey case ) , the presentation pays homage to the luxury brand . Anything of the most beautiful ceremonial accessories you've seen before in fashion , cinema , kingdoms ... is there present : from Elisabeth Taylor ' private collection , goods belonging to italian actresses of the 60's to the Andy Warhol's love for the brand . Just sublim , the opulence of those works of art nearly bewitching makes you standing , gazing at them to be sure they're real & not an illusion . What's a pity pictures are not allowed , despite of my efforts to get around I've been dissuaded from doing anything because of guards' presence except one not really successful !
A real wonder !
Exposition BULGARI : musée du Grand Palais avenue Winston Churchill 75008 Paris
( jusqu'au 12 janvier 2011 22h )
( until january 12th 2011 22h )
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